Monday, April 27, 2009

Saves the Day

See I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away, the only reason why I stay so I can save the day.

Anytime I'm down or sad or something is going horrible I put on a song that reflects my attitude and things suddenly seem to get better. Although it may feel like you can't trust anyone at all in this world you can always trust good tunes to lift your spirits and put things into perspective. If music was never created life would be so damn dull that I don't think I could handle it. I guess what I am trying to get at is that if something as simple and awesome as music can change your mood in a matter of seconds than most shit doesn't really matter as I have said for years. So don't get caught up in the drama and the BS. Cause you can't control other's actions but you can control how you react to them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just like Music...

So I have been going to a lot of concerts lately and am planning to go to a ton more this summer. Concerts and music festivals are the greatest way to spend a summer.
  • Saw 311 a week ago
  • Saw Motion City Soundtrack on friday (For Free)
  • Going to Lollapalooza (Getting a tent if anyone is interested)
  • Going to Rothbury. Rothbury Michigan
  • Possibly Mile High Music Fest. Denver, Colorado

Intentions Clear

Great Song that I can not stop listening too. Thanks Umphrey's Mcgee

You got my number, you can make the call
Until then I wont bother you at all
I'd let you walk all over me again
But a smile is something I could not pretend
And every time I felt like this was wrong
You made me feel like I should tag along
Once or twice it would be nice to see you
Even if I don't believe you

Even if I don't believe the life you lead
There will always be a time where you would need
Someone, something
Someone, not me

There'll be no doubt, intentions clear
We'll hide our thoughts behind the mirror
There'll be no wrong, there'll be no right
But this could be a lonely night
With wintered steps our footprints fall
But I can't feel a thing at all

I know it's wrong to make assumptions
But without them I'm left with nothing
I've always focused on the fractions
To slowly understand what happened
I know you've got a lot of questions
But the answers always aren't the best thing
Once or twice it would be nice to see you
Even if it's bad for me to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So you'll be an Austrian Nobleman...

Had an interesting night last night and today as well. Some good convos with some really good people ;). About that it seems like when I don't try and put no pressure on myself or how my day will go things usually work out pretty well and much better than expected. I have learned in the past few months that things don't really matter all of the little stuff that you worry about and stress over aren't worth stressing about because they just distract you from the important things in life. In the end I just want to be happy and make those around me happy. I don't have to make a billion dollars a year and own a mansion on the beach front. (Although it would be nice) I just need a roof over my head, a steady job, people around who love me, and the ability to experience the coolest and most interesting things I can find. On second thought the roof over my head isn't ideal a passport full of stamps from all the places I visited would be much more kosher. Shoot for the stars, take risks, work hard, play hard, do everything you want to and with no regrets at all because you only get one shot at this thing called life and waisting it worrying is surely no way to be. Keep your head up kid things will work out for you in all aspects of your life and someday you'll be famous and Ill be able to say hey I know them! and they are fucking badass....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or two

The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
Robert Cushing

The painting is by Michael O'Toole Liked the colors and the warmth I felt from it when I looked at it.

Its been a long couple of weeks. Lot of things have happened.
  1. School has kept me busy as hell
  2. Applied and interviewed for a job on campus next year
  3. Looking for a place to live
  4. Flunk Day happened
  5. Party buses are the greatest thing ever created
  6. Found out I am going to be an uncle (Excited/Nervous at the same time)
  7. Went to the 311 concert yesterday and they rocked my socks off
  8. Started watching Interstella 5555
  9. Happy Holidays
  10. Motion City Soundtrack in Iowa City friday free at IMU Main Lounge

Sunday, April 5, 2009

No idea is original there's nothing new under the sun.

The past few weeks have been kinda surreal I'm coming to the end of my fourth year in school most of my friends are graduating while I am staying here for another year. They are gonna go off get jobs and begin their lives. While I will still be living in the not so real world in college. There are still parties to go to people to hang out with and say goodbye to, plans for the summer to be made. On top of all of this I really just want to get out of this place and go somewhere new and different where I don't know anyone or anything and start over. I wanna see the world and meet all the crazy cool people that are in it, not sit in a classroom and listen to another boring monotonous lecture by some professor who is way to smart for his/her own good. Or be forced to have the same conversations with people who are just like everyone else yet claim to be completely unique. I have news for you! Your just like everybody else! Get over it and start living in reality like the rest of us.

But really please someone just give me an excuse to leave this place and go do something cool cause I can't handle this much longer.