Saturday, July 4, 2009

What I have learned...

Sometimes I feel like I am the only sane person in the entire world. I take a step back and think to myself no body has any respect or manners for anyone or anything anymore. Their common sense is out the window and their wok-ethic Foget about it! That left town a day and a half ago. I wish I just wish someone would come into my job or run in to me on the street and they would act and talk like I expect a normal sane person like myself does. On second thought no I don't hope that happens because I think I would have a heart attack if it did. And lord knows we the world couldn't afford to have me gone. Haha that makes me seem like such a cocky arroigant asshole but thats exactly how I feel and I makes no apologies for anything that I say.
People need to walk the Fuck up and realize that nothin in this world promised to you and that if someone has the chance they will you stab in the back without question for an extra dollar or two. Take everything and when its gone they're gone too. You'll find out who your true friends are when everything falls out the bottom of the soggy cardboard box and the only thing of worth or value to you is a piece of paper that says you got a degree in a field that either doesn't exist anymore or isn't hiring you unless you have 10 years of field experience but you can't get the field experience without a college degree that says you're certified to work in that field so you wind up working as a waitress or a bartender or possible even an Iron-worker something you could have done without going to college in the first place. It just seems to me that the only people who seem to get ahead in life are the ones that would sell their souls to the devil just to be popular or sleep wiith a beautiful women own a $40 Million dollar yacht and drive fancy cars just to say that they can.
I hope I never become so obsessed with money and material things that I forget who I am and what I stand for.I don't want to be like every other random idiot off the street who doesn't have a clue what the hell is actually happening in the quote "real world" (emphasize the hand qoutes).I am gonna try to make myself a better person everyday and become a great person who some day can set an example for generations to come.