Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stealing Happy Hours

So I have always been a big fan of the band 311 anyone that knows me knows this but as of recent I have just become obsessed over this band their sound, their stage presence in live shows, the fan following they have (the best around if you ask me), how they treat their fans, they are honestly to me the best band that has ever come into exsistence. Yeah you'll have people argue and say of Zeppelin and the Doors and even modern bands are better but to me those guys don't even compare to how great 311 is. I haven't ever heard a song by them I didn't like and I don't think that there is a day that goes by where I don't listen to their music. They have a way with music that just touches me like no other band can and I don't know that there are many other bands out there that can do that for people like they do it for me.

On to my real point with this post that is about 6 months apart from my last post. 311 day is coming up in march and I am to the point of doing almost anything to go and see them in vegas. This will/would be the concert of a lifetime and if that means not having any money for a few months because I blow it all on this trip then so be it I am sooooooo fine with that. Myself and Kyle will do whatever it takes to get there and if you want to help us and even come along you're more than welcome too. Just felt I should share my love for this awesome and one of a kind band with you all.

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