Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stealing Happy Hours....

I feel like the only way to describe the past few weeks is a list:

1. Jesse is probably one of the funniest and coolest people I know despite what she may tell you.
2. Photo booth is my new favorite computer application
3. Life seems much better and a lot less stress and drama filled without certain people in it and I couldn't be happier about it.
4. St. Louis is a bad ass city and I want to go back soon and visit my girls.
5. 311 is by far one of the best bands ever.
6. Bon-Iver and The Weepies Nuff said.
7. School suck as always and I can't wait till summer although I am said to see so many of my friends go.
8. Money is more important than you think so try and make as much as you possibly can.
9. Perfection is unattainable so don't expect it but strive for it anyways
10. Honesty is always the best policy if you can't accept the truth or speak it yourself than you don't deserve to have any friends
11. Top songs right now:
  • Kanye West- Good Morning
  • The Weepies- World Spins Madly On
  • Eve-6-- Good Lives
  • Belle & Sebastian- White Collar Boy
  • Murs- Can It be
  • Kid Cudi- Day and Night
12. Took the pic while on the train heading into St. Louis.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do what you LOVE and FUCK the rest...

So I met this really cool guy last night that made me realize how important doing what you love in life is. He was a former Coe student, in which I actually did have a class with but completely forgot that he was in. He dropped out and started doing Web-design for a company and also graphic design as a personal business. Funny thing is that he just designed and created the new Coe website. He also has his own place and just started a record label that is starting to take-off, he makes all his own music and has essentially a recording studio in his apartment. He may not be making millions of dollars a year but he is damn happy with what he is doing and is gonna continue doing it despite what people think or say. He is one of the most confident and down to earth people I have ever met. He knows what he wants and how to get it and will do whatever he can to get it.

This is exactly how I want to live my life and am going to start striving to achieve. I didn't used to in the past and am going to start to now stop caring about what other people think, cause I have realized in the end the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself and the things you have in life. No one else can live your life for you and so no one else should be able to control how you live and think. Make yourself happy and others will follow your lead.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One is Silver and the Other is Gold

So I surely haven't written for a while and I'm sorry but I really haven't had anything creative hit me in the past week or so. However I have been sorta busy dealing with female drama and visiting with old friends. First to the drama part although most women say they hate drama and try to avoid it at all costs this is total B.S. women love drama they thrive in it. I don't think that I could go one day without having to hear some girl whine and cry about something stupid in unimportant in the first place. It just really cracks me up but frustrates and annoys hell outta me at the same time. If you don't want drama in your life then don't get upset and emotional about every little thing that goes on in your life. If someone forgot to invite you to a party big Whoop! If a few of your crackers go missing SO WHAT! Please please wake up and realize there are so many more important things out there than the things that you are stressing about. Now on to the old friends part: I saw some fraternity alumni on Saturday that I haven't seen in quite a while and it was really great to see them. They are all a few years older then me so I don't get to hang out with them much but when I do Its always a great time. Secondly, I got to see me some Ro and that was a real treat, I haven't seen her in almost a year and she just makes me smile. I went to Hamburger Mary's and Basix both GLBT friendly bars. While at Basix they had a drag show which was actually pretty cool and fun. I met the girl of my dreams who is a friend of Ro's but unfortunately she is into women and I will never have the privilege of dating. I also got hit on basically but two gay men. It was pretty funny and made me feel good that I am seen as attractive by both sexes haha. But anyways its always great to see old friends and whenever you get the chance to do that DO IT! I am going to St. Louis for a few days for Spring Break to visit my great friend Ro again I am really excited cause I have never actually seen St. Louis and I gets me some more Ro time.