Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Take it From me.

Well its the end of the school year all my friends are leaving and some I may not ever see again. Personally I have a hard time dealing with this even though I may not show it. In the past I was never one to get very sentimental over things like this but the past few weeks I have realized that the times you have with the people you love most usually don't last. So don't take them for granted and don't ever forget them. Let the small stuff go and concentrate on the good times you have and can have with people. Its just so crazy to think that I spent the last four years seeing the same people everyday and in less than a week they will all being going in a million different directions to start their new lives. I hope that I stay in touch with most of them and if not at least a select few that have touched my life. Which brings me to my next topic of having someone to love and love you in return. I have been single for the past oh say 6 months and yeah I have enjoyed it. Being able to do what I want when I want. The random hook-ups although that gets old after a while and people tend to look down upon it. The meeting of new people which I will never get sick of. However I have realized that finding the right person is probably one of the most wonderful and enjoyable things anyone could ever hope for. I know I have given certain people advice on this topic in recent times and I stand for and believe in what I told those people. I wouldn't give advice that I thought was wrong or flawed. I just realize that when its right there is nothing better than that. Knowing that person isn't gonna leave your side for anything, the comfort and assurance that comes from that couldn't provide any better a feeling. So don't be afraid to tell some you miss them or that you love them cause the small things count and the people you care about may not be there when you wake up in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. i miss you, cwithtofo. (and of course, getting to shout "cwithtofo" across the quad and embarrassing myself)
