Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So you'll be an Austrian Nobleman...

Had an interesting night last night and today as well. Some good convos with some really good people ;). About that it seems like when I don't try and put no pressure on myself or how my day will go things usually work out pretty well and much better than expected. I have learned in the past few months that things don't really matter all of the little stuff that you worry about and stress over aren't worth stressing about because they just distract you from the important things in life. In the end I just want to be happy and make those around me happy. I don't have to make a billion dollars a year and own a mansion on the beach front. (Although it would be nice) I just need a roof over my head, a steady job, people around who love me, and the ability to experience the coolest and most interesting things I can find. On second thought the roof over my head isn't ideal a passport full of stamps from all the places I visited would be much more kosher. Shoot for the stars, take risks, work hard, play hard, do everything you want to and with no regrets at all because you only get one shot at this thing called life and waisting it worrying is surely no way to be. Keep your head up kid things will work out for you in all aspects of your life and someday you'll be famous and Ill be able to say hey I know them! and they are fucking badass....

1 comment:

  1. wasting. you always spell wasting wrong. also. thanks. :)
