Sunday, April 5, 2009

No idea is original there's nothing new under the sun.

The past few weeks have been kinda surreal I'm coming to the end of my fourth year in school most of my friends are graduating while I am staying here for another year. They are gonna go off get jobs and begin their lives. While I will still be living in the not so real world in college. There are still parties to go to people to hang out with and say goodbye to, plans for the summer to be made. On top of all of this I really just want to get out of this place and go somewhere new and different where I don't know anyone or anything and start over. I wanna see the world and meet all the crazy cool people that are in it, not sit in a classroom and listen to another boring monotonous lecture by some professor who is way to smart for his/her own good. Or be forced to have the same conversations with people who are just like everyone else yet claim to be completely unique. I have news for you! Your just like everybody else! Get over it and start living in reality like the rest of us.

But really please someone just give me an excuse to leave this place and go do something cool cause I can't handle this much longer.

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