Friday, February 6, 2009

Cut and Run

Brand new to this Whole blog thing. Thought I would try it out as I have been quite creative as of late and looking for an outlet to give to my creative juices. I have been drawing which is surely not good enough yet to post on here maybe some pictures in the near future and also writing which I'm not so sure is up to snuff but will post anyways. I wrote this last night at about 3 in morning while taking a break from the PsychoPharmacology and Psych research books.

Its over now can't go back and change the mistakes;
All this work and nothing to show for it;
Just a broken heart and a bill to the state;
It won't get better, things will stay the same

Sick of this feeling;
All they say is ill be just fine;
When all I wanna do is break away and run;
Life's no good when your lookin down the barrel of a gun

So let's go just take of and run;
The world is wide the possibilities endless;
With nothin but time and imaginations to send us;
to places and experiences that will for certain change us

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