Friday, February 13, 2009

On a Magic carpet ride...

So as you may know it is I-week and I am Phi which to those of you who don't fluently speak greek is the ritualist. That means I get to plan and run this whole entire week. Basically I am the boss and the shot caller for a whole week and its kinda nice I am influencing how all of these new guys will see and experience Lambda chi for their next 4 years in college and for the rest of their lives. Ill stop there before my ego swelss any larger and won't fit inside my bedroom. On to what I really came on here to write about in the first place. What I am taking from this whole week. Like I said its I-week and the AM's are learning a ton of stuff about Lambda Chi and life lessons and to be honest I feel like I am geting just as much if not more out of this week then these guys are. The things I have experienced this week are really making me realize how lucky I am as a person to be in the situation I am in. There is always someone worse of than you are and I am making it a personal goal to not complain anymore about the situation I am in. Also another goal of mine is to work as best as I can at all of my personal endeavors and to be as successful as I can be in life. Not waste what god has blessed me with. I also am planning on trying to be a better friend and a better person to those around me even people that I may not necessarily like or be as close with anymore. I dunno what all this is really supposed to me in the long wrong but I just feel like its what I should be doing as a Lambda Chi and as someone who is trying to be a good person.

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