Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stealing Happy Hours

So I have always been a big fan of the band 311 anyone that knows me knows this but as of recent I have just become obsessed over this band their sound, their stage presence in live shows, the fan following they have (the best around if you ask me), how they treat their fans, they are honestly to me the best band that has ever come into exsistence. Yeah you'll have people argue and say of Zeppelin and the Doors and even modern bands are better but to me those guys don't even compare to how great 311 is. I haven't ever heard a song by them I didn't like and I don't think that there is a day that goes by where I don't listen to their music. They have a way with music that just touches me like no other band can and I don't know that there are many other bands out there that can do that for people like they do it for me.

On to my real point with this post that is about 6 months apart from my last post. 311 day is coming up in march and I am to the point of doing almost anything to go and see them in vegas. This will/would be the concert of a lifetime and if that means not having any money for a few months because I blow it all on this trip then so be it I am sooooooo fine with that. Myself and Kyle will do whatever it takes to get there and if you want to help us and even come along you're more than welcome too. Just felt I should share my love for this awesome and one of a kind band with you all.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some pretty good songs I have gotten in to as of late

Daft PUnk- Technologic (Digitalism remix)
Sam sparro- black and gold
Sam sparro- cant stop this
daft punk-technologic (tuff house dirty remix)
Calvin harris-ready for the weekend
David guetta-just a little more love
David guetta-just a little more love (bob sincalir remix)
Craig david feat bob sinclair lets dance (world hold on remix)
Kid Cuddi- Soundtrack tomy life
The Cool Kids- Pennies
The Cool Kids-I'm Mikey I rock
8Ball & MJG- Don't Want drama
Drake-Forever remix
The Weepies- Take it from me
Thomas Bangalter- Club Soda
Le Knight Club- Santa Claus (Paul Johnson remix)
Lou reed- walk on the wild side
Rick Ross- Magnificent
Rick Ross- Maybach Music
Rick Ross-Mafia Music
Rick Ross- Rich Off
311- Purpose
311-Jackolantern's weather
311-Stealing Happy Hours

Saturday, July 4, 2009

What I have learned...

Sometimes I feel like I am the only sane person in the entire world. I take a step back and think to myself no body has any respect or manners for anyone or anything anymore. Their common sense is out the window and their wok-ethic Foget about it! That left town a day and a half ago. I wish I just wish someone would come into my job or run in to me on the street and they would act and talk like I expect a normal sane person like myself does. On second thought no I don't hope that happens because I think I would have a heart attack if it did. And lord knows we the world couldn't afford to have me gone. Haha that makes me seem like such a cocky arroigant asshole but thats exactly how I feel and I makes no apologies for anything that I say.
People need to walk the Fuck up and realize that nothin in this world promised to you and that if someone has the chance they will you stab in the back without question for an extra dollar or two. Take everything and when its gone they're gone too. You'll find out who your true friends are when everything falls out the bottom of the soggy cardboard box and the only thing of worth or value to you is a piece of paper that says you got a degree in a field that either doesn't exist anymore or isn't hiring you unless you have 10 years of field experience but you can't get the field experience without a college degree that says you're certified to work in that field so you wind up working as a waitress or a bartender or possible even an Iron-worker something you could have done without going to college in the first place. It just seems to me that the only people who seem to get ahead in life are the ones that would sell their souls to the devil just to be popular or sleep wiith a beautiful women own a $40 Million dollar yacht and drive fancy cars just to say that they can.
I hope I never become so obsessed with money and material things that I forget who I am and what I stand for.I don't want to be like every other random idiot off the street who doesn't have a clue what the hell is actually happening in the quote "real world" (emphasize the hand qoutes).I am gonna try to make myself a better person everyday and become a great person who some day can set an example for generations to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Playlist for Summer

Here's a playlist of songs that would be great for a drive around town or just to sit and chill out. More playlist will be added whenever I get the motivation to create another one. Enjoy!
  • 88 keys-stay up
  • cool kids-I'm Mikey
  • kanye west-champion
  • Belle and sebastian- for the price of a cup of tea
  • the weepies-take it from me
  • G. Love-beautiful
  • Atmosphere-modern man's hustle
  • Notorious B.I.G. feat. Frank Sinatra- Juicy
  • Will Smith- Summertime
  • Umphrey's McGee- Intentions Clear
  • The Bridge-Rosalita
  • Kings of Leon- Manhattan
  • Daft Punk- Digital Love
  • Lil wayne-Let the beat build
  • Stone Temple Pilots-Sex type thing
  • Radiohead-Down is the new up
  • Zach Gill-Watch them Grow
  • Animal Liberation Orchestera-Ophelia
  • Donavon Frankenreiter-Move by yourself
  • Tycho-A circular reeducation
  • A tribe called quest-electric relaxation
  • Outkast- Player's ball
  • UGK-Look at me

Take it From me.

Well its the end of the school year all my friends are leaving and some I may not ever see again. Personally I have a hard time dealing with this even though I may not show it. In the past I was never one to get very sentimental over things like this but the past few weeks I have realized that the times you have with the people you love most usually don't last. So don't take them for granted and don't ever forget them. Let the small stuff go and concentrate on the good times you have and can have with people. Its just so crazy to think that I spent the last four years seeing the same people everyday and in less than a week they will all being going in a million different directions to start their new lives. I hope that I stay in touch with most of them and if not at least a select few that have touched my life. Which brings me to my next topic of having someone to love and love you in return. I have been single for the past oh say 6 months and yeah I have enjoyed it. Being able to do what I want when I want. The random hook-ups although that gets old after a while and people tend to look down upon it. The meeting of new people which I will never get sick of. However I have realized that finding the right person is probably one of the most wonderful and enjoyable things anyone could ever hope for. I know I have given certain people advice on this topic in recent times and I stand for and believe in what I told those people. I wouldn't give advice that I thought was wrong or flawed. I just realize that when its right there is nothing better than that. Knowing that person isn't gonna leave your side for anything, the comfort and assurance that comes from that couldn't provide any better a feeling. So don't be afraid to tell some you miss them or that you love them cause the small things count and the people you care about may not be there when you wake up in the morning.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Saves the Day

See I'm just waiting for the moment I can break away, the only reason why I stay so I can save the day.

Anytime I'm down or sad or something is going horrible I put on a song that reflects my attitude and things suddenly seem to get better. Although it may feel like you can't trust anyone at all in this world you can always trust good tunes to lift your spirits and put things into perspective. If music was never created life would be so damn dull that I don't think I could handle it. I guess what I am trying to get at is that if something as simple and awesome as music can change your mood in a matter of seconds than most shit doesn't really matter as I have said for years. So don't get caught up in the drama and the BS. Cause you can't control other's actions but you can control how you react to them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just like Music...

So I have been going to a lot of concerts lately and am planning to go to a ton more this summer. Concerts and music festivals are the greatest way to spend a summer.
  • Saw 311 a week ago
  • Saw Motion City Soundtrack on friday (For Free)
  • Going to Lollapalooza (Getting a tent if anyone is interested)
  • Going to Rothbury. Rothbury Michigan
  • Possibly Mile High Music Fest. Denver, Colorado

Intentions Clear

Great Song that I can not stop listening too. Thanks Umphrey's Mcgee

You got my number, you can make the call
Until then I wont bother you at all
I'd let you walk all over me again
But a smile is something I could not pretend
And every time I felt like this was wrong
You made me feel like I should tag along
Once or twice it would be nice to see you
Even if I don't believe you

Even if I don't believe the life you lead
There will always be a time where you would need
Someone, something
Someone, not me

There'll be no doubt, intentions clear
We'll hide our thoughts behind the mirror
There'll be no wrong, there'll be no right
But this could be a lonely night
With wintered steps our footprints fall
But I can't feel a thing at all

I know it's wrong to make assumptions
But without them I'm left with nothing
I've always focused on the fractions
To slowly understand what happened
I know you've got a lot of questions
But the answers always aren't the best thing
Once or twice it would be nice to see you
Even if it's bad for me to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So you'll be an Austrian Nobleman...

Had an interesting night last night and today as well. Some good convos with some really good people ;). About that it seems like when I don't try and put no pressure on myself or how my day will go things usually work out pretty well and much better than expected. I have learned in the past few months that things don't really matter all of the little stuff that you worry about and stress over aren't worth stressing about because they just distract you from the important things in life. In the end I just want to be happy and make those around me happy. I don't have to make a billion dollars a year and own a mansion on the beach front. (Although it would be nice) I just need a roof over my head, a steady job, people around who love me, and the ability to experience the coolest and most interesting things I can find. On second thought the roof over my head isn't ideal a passport full of stamps from all the places I visited would be much more kosher. Shoot for the stars, take risks, work hard, play hard, do everything you want to and with no regrets at all because you only get one shot at this thing called life and waisting it worrying is surely no way to be. Keep your head up kid things will work out for you in all aspects of your life and someday you'll be famous and Ill be able to say hey I know them! and they are fucking badass....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or two

The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
Robert Cushing

The painting is by Michael O'Toole Liked the colors and the warmth I felt from it when I looked at it.

Its been a long couple of weeks. Lot of things have happened.
  1. School has kept me busy as hell
  2. Applied and interviewed for a job on campus next year
  3. Looking for a place to live
  4. Flunk Day happened
  5. Party buses are the greatest thing ever created
  6. Found out I am going to be an uncle (Excited/Nervous at the same time)
  7. Went to the 311 concert yesterday and they rocked my socks off
  8. Started watching Interstella 5555
  9. Happy Holidays
  10. Motion City Soundtrack in Iowa City friday free at IMU Main Lounge

Sunday, April 5, 2009

No idea is original there's nothing new under the sun.

The past few weeks have been kinda surreal I'm coming to the end of my fourth year in school most of my friends are graduating while I am staying here for another year. They are gonna go off get jobs and begin their lives. While I will still be living in the not so real world in college. There are still parties to go to people to hang out with and say goodbye to, plans for the summer to be made. On top of all of this I really just want to get out of this place and go somewhere new and different where I don't know anyone or anything and start over. I wanna see the world and meet all the crazy cool people that are in it, not sit in a classroom and listen to another boring monotonous lecture by some professor who is way to smart for his/her own good. Or be forced to have the same conversations with people who are just like everyone else yet claim to be completely unique. I have news for you! Your just like everybody else! Get over it and start living in reality like the rest of us.

But really please someone just give me an excuse to leave this place and go do something cool cause I can't handle this much longer.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stealing Happy Hours....

I feel like the only way to describe the past few weeks is a list:

1. Jesse is probably one of the funniest and coolest people I know despite what she may tell you.
2. Photo booth is my new favorite computer application
3. Life seems much better and a lot less stress and drama filled without certain people in it and I couldn't be happier about it.
4. St. Louis is a bad ass city and I want to go back soon and visit my girls.
5. 311 is by far one of the best bands ever.
6. Bon-Iver and The Weepies Nuff said.
7. School suck as always and I can't wait till summer although I am said to see so many of my friends go.
8. Money is more important than you think so try and make as much as you possibly can.
9. Perfection is unattainable so don't expect it but strive for it anyways
10. Honesty is always the best policy if you can't accept the truth or speak it yourself than you don't deserve to have any friends
11. Top songs right now:
  • Kanye West- Good Morning
  • The Weepies- World Spins Madly On
  • Eve-6-- Good Lives
  • Belle & Sebastian- White Collar Boy
  • Murs- Can It be
  • Kid Cudi- Day and Night
12. Took the pic while on the train heading into St. Louis.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do what you LOVE and FUCK the rest...

So I met this really cool guy last night that made me realize how important doing what you love in life is. He was a former Coe student, in which I actually did have a class with but completely forgot that he was in. He dropped out and started doing Web-design for a company and also graphic design as a personal business. Funny thing is that he just designed and created the new Coe website. He also has his own place and just started a record label that is starting to take-off, he makes all his own music and has essentially a recording studio in his apartment. He may not be making millions of dollars a year but he is damn happy with what he is doing and is gonna continue doing it despite what people think or say. He is one of the most confident and down to earth people I have ever met. He knows what he wants and how to get it and will do whatever he can to get it.

This is exactly how I want to live my life and am going to start striving to achieve. I didn't used to in the past and am going to start to now stop caring about what other people think, cause I have realized in the end the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself and the things you have in life. No one else can live your life for you and so no one else should be able to control how you live and think. Make yourself happy and others will follow your lead.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One is Silver and the Other is Gold

So I surely haven't written for a while and I'm sorry but I really haven't had anything creative hit me in the past week or so. However I have been sorta busy dealing with female drama and visiting with old friends. First to the drama part although most women say they hate drama and try to avoid it at all costs this is total B.S. women love drama they thrive in it. I don't think that I could go one day without having to hear some girl whine and cry about something stupid in unimportant in the first place. It just really cracks me up but frustrates and annoys hell outta me at the same time. If you don't want drama in your life then don't get upset and emotional about every little thing that goes on in your life. If someone forgot to invite you to a party big Whoop! If a few of your crackers go missing SO WHAT! Please please wake up and realize there are so many more important things out there than the things that you are stressing about. Now on to the old friends part: I saw some fraternity alumni on Saturday that I haven't seen in quite a while and it was really great to see them. They are all a few years older then me so I don't get to hang out with them much but when I do Its always a great time. Secondly, I got to see me some Ro and that was a real treat, I haven't seen her in almost a year and she just makes me smile. I went to Hamburger Mary's and Basix both GLBT friendly bars. While at Basix they had a drag show which was actually pretty cool and fun. I met the girl of my dreams who is a friend of Ro's but unfortunately she is into women and I will never have the privilege of dating. I also got hit on basically but two gay men. It was pretty funny and made me feel good that I am seen as attractive by both sexes haha. But anyways its always great to see old friends and whenever you get the chance to do that DO IT! I am going to St. Louis for a few days for Spring Break to visit my great friend Ro again I am really excited cause I have never actually seen St. Louis and I gets me some more Ro time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Running in Circles

I think that those things I have done do constitute me as a good friend. Considering the person I am trying to be a friend for can't seem to make up their mind about whether or not they want to be my friend in the first place.

I have tried to find ways and excuses to see you myself but I usually either talk myself out of it or you don't seem to want to have anything to do with it. Mostly, I feel because if you can't do something on your own terms then you don't want to have anything to do with it at all so I figure why bother cause Ill just get shot down anyways. Yeah we have awkward clunky conversations but that's cause I can tell there is something that you want to say most of the time that your afraid to say to me. You know that I am pretty good at picking up on those kinds of things, and that I have never had a problem with awkwardness or hard conversations. I have some reservations when I am around you but I try and be myself and act like everything is normal cause thats how I would like them to be. I always told you that I am a bluntly honest person and you always agreed that was how it should be yet you hold things back and end conversations before they are done. By this point I think you and I have gone through enough shit that hurting my feelings or pissing me off are old news and not really gonna matter anyways.

You talk about being a good friend and that part of that is having to be disrespectful and telling one another that, also being completely honest and making one another better people. As well as saying they are there for you no matter what no questions asked. Not having to be asked to be there just being there, well I gave you over a year of that whatever you needed whenever you needed most often when you didn't even ask me to do those things for you and I never expected anything in return just the simple gratitude of knowing that I was doing something for someone that I cared about and knew would appreciate the things I was doing for them. Yet somehow all those things get forgotten. I've seen you at your absolute worst and best and I was there through them both. You expect me to be that same guy I was in the past but the trouble is I can't be that guy because you have someone else there that is supposed to do those things for you. Yeah good friends do go to great lengths to help out those that they care about but there are certain boundaries involved that you don't cross because that's not their role to play.

You expect me to still do those things and go to such great lengths to please you and be a great friend to you yet I don't see those things being reciprocated. Well then why don't you start living by your own rules? How do you think that its fair an equal for you to expect that of me when you don't give that yourself? I have tried pretty hard to be a good friend and to keep that bridge up between us but it gets to be really hard to keep those things up when you feel like your energy is wasted on a person who doesn't want the same from you despite what they have been saying.

How do you expect a friendship to grow and be healthy if you don't hold yourself to the expectations you have of others? when it seems like there are two sets of rules: One set for you and One set for everyone else. I don't think that I have tried my hardest but I can't give everything to a friendship if there are reservations on the side of the other person that they haven't expressed in the first place, or are unwilling to express. Its like you said you have to be honest about things to make them work, well I would appreciate you being honest with me and telling me what makes you feel unready about giving me your best, and what things you should have said when in the room with me, and then maybe we can move forward from this.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your love will be safe with me...

I understand that this post is a complete 180 from my last post but I really felt like posting this for some reason. I believe in what I was trying to say but don't feel that I will find this soon if ever in my life. True love is something that I think happens in one in a million relationships and when it does its the most beautiful thing in the world the trouble is its so rare that most people never get the chance to even see it. But enough of my negativity here it is:

Love is the best thing that could happen to someone, waking up in the morning and knowing that there is someone out there who is thinking about you just as much as you are thinking about them. Who can't wait to get through all the days activities just to have that 5 or 10 minutes with that person who makes you feel comfortable and happy and warm, Who makes all your cares, wants, fears and worries go away for that short time because there is nothing else out there that you could want or care for more in your life other than to just feel that person next to you and know that they would be there for you for anything, and need you to do the same for them.

A song for someone who needs somewhere to long for...

So I haven't posted on here in a while and was feeling like I should. I have been feeling really antisocial and independent as of late and not really wanting to be around people in general. Not really sure where thats coming from but as for now I am just gonna run with it. I know that this has and may be hurting some people's feelings but I really don't know what to do about that. Since the beginning of the year I have been trying to keep my distance from people, I think because I am scared to let anyone back in to the extent of where I have let others in the past. However the more I try to stay away the more people seem to want be around me and hang out. I never thought I'd be this way in my entire life but the more I am single the more it just seems to be making sense to me that if I don't let anyone in to close then I can't get hurt. Although in the long run this may not be a good thing it may end up scaring and pushing a lot of people away in the short run its keeping me safe and sane. Besides the fact that I don't think I have the patience, time, or energy to worry so much about another person. I have a hard enough time looking after myself and keeping up on things. Except at the same time if I didn't have those friends and people wanting to be around me that I would probably go off the deep end. I guess through all of the things that have happened in the past 4-5 months I've realized that 1) If someone doesn't want to be with you then you can't make them. 2) If someone doesn't want to be loved by you or by anyone in general then you can't force them to be. 3)And lastly that no matter what even if those people don't want anyone or anything around them that just being there for someone when they are at their worst can have such a profound positive effect on their life that you may save them from something terrible or even find a great friend that you never Knew existed

Friday, February 13, 2009

On a Magic carpet ride...

So as you may know it is I-week and I am Phi which to those of you who don't fluently speak greek is the ritualist. That means I get to plan and run this whole entire week. Basically I am the boss and the shot caller for a whole week and its kinda nice I am influencing how all of these new guys will see and experience Lambda chi for their next 4 years in college and for the rest of their lives. Ill stop there before my ego swelss any larger and won't fit inside my bedroom. On to what I really came on here to write about in the first place. What I am taking from this whole week. Like I said its I-week and the AM's are learning a ton of stuff about Lambda Chi and life lessons and to be honest I feel like I am geting just as much if not more out of this week then these guys are. The things I have experienced this week are really making me realize how lucky I am as a person to be in the situation I am in. There is always someone worse of than you are and I am making it a personal goal to not complain anymore about the situation I am in. Also another goal of mine is to work as best as I can at all of my personal endeavors and to be as successful as I can be in life. Not waste what god has blessed me with. I also am planning on trying to be a better friend and a better person to those around me even people that I may not necessarily like or be as close with anymore. I dunno what all this is really supposed to me in the long wrong but I just feel like its what I should be doing as a Lambda Chi and as someone who is trying to be a good person.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You never walk alone....

Got to really thinking about things and people in or outta my life and also those who are here or who have left us as well as just how I am feeling as of right now and thought I would try and express that through a playlist although I'm sure it will prolly come out Incoherent as all hell. But who cares cause really you can't go wrong with any of these songs and honestly I could go on forever adding great music to this list.

  • Stone Temple Pilots- Interstate Love Song
  • Steppenwolf- Magic Carpet Ride
  • Kings Of Leon- Manhattan
  • Cake- Love You Madly
  • My Morning Jacket- Wordless Chorus
  • Cam'ron feat. Kanye West- Down and Out
  • 311- Stealing Happy Hours
  • Murs- Can it Be
  • Jake One Feat. Freeway and Brother Ali- The truth
  • Atmosphere- You
  • Young Jeezy- What They Want
  • Q-tip- We Fight/Love
  • Explosions in the Sky- Remember Me as a time of day
  • Death Cab for Cutie- I will Posses your Heart
  • Motion City Soundtrack- Fell in Love without you
  • The Temptations- Just my Imagination
  • Radiohead- Knives Out
  • Bon Iver- Re: Stacks
  • Jack Johnson- Hope
  • Zero-7 - Throw it All Away
  • Jamiroquai- Space Cowboy
  • Daft Punk- Harder Better faster Stronger
  • Smashing Pumpkins- Zero
  • Snow Patrol- You could be loved
  • Kanye West- See you in my Nightmares
  • Dirty South- Let it go
  • T.I. Motivation
  • Slum Village- Selfish
  • Coldplay- Viva La Vida

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Vir Quisque Vir

Its always interesting to look back on the things you've done and people you've met along the way. I never thought I would be at the place I am in my life becoming as good of friends with the people I have started to become such good friends with. Mr. Viertel and Myself used to be at odds with one another we basically couldn't even be in the same room with one another without one of us wanting to choke ourselves with the others ego. However in recent months myself and said friend have become quite fond of one another. The man can surely play his ass off on the piano and most certainly knows his way around a party. we have definitely had some crazy conversations about anything and everything most often not sober but many of the non inebriated kind as well. Mr. Benninghoven is another of those people that has really gained much favor in my eyes. He is probably the handiest guy I know he can pretty much fix or work on anything man made. And he is one of the most legit and loyal friends I think I have ever had the pleasure of calling a friend. I'm really glad I met these guys and a million other people just like them. I think college has been the biggest roller coaster of my life and I have enjoyed every second of the ride. I realize I have another year left but I will be the only person left of my initiation class still attending college. Kinda makes me feel like an underacheiver, but i say fuck it you only live once anyways so why not wait another year to grow up? I-week has been going awesomely and I couldn't be happier with the guys that we have going through. I am excited for the future of this fraternity and where these young guys have the possibility to take. I am just glad that I get to be the one who has such a large part in their experience and welcoming into the brotherhood. Like they say "Its NOT four years its FOR LIFE"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Your Reign on the top was Short like Leprechauns...

What I wrote earlier that I didn't have time to post. I know its 3:00 A.M. but I can't sleep and am trying to find things to get myself there. I find that while most people say rap is not music it is one of the hardest things to write an actual good verse too. I'm not talking about that superman or Peanut Butter Jelly time bullshit I'm talking about rap that actually is complicated and layered and has some weight behind it. Like Biggie or Pac and/or especially Common and Talib Kweli. I feel like true Hip-Hop has lost its soul and its guys like Common, Kweli, Q-tip, and Lupe Fiasco who are the ones who can bring it back to what it once was. This verse that I wrote to me is most like a Biggie rhyme its a shame that he is dead cause he was one of the best.

Discoverin there was a line between the real and the fake; but it got smaller; now everyone wanna tote a gun say they the top baller; But can't all these cats be packin heat, makin this block feel like summer and its only november; got on my blue suedes but that shit ain't cheap; comin to me like you want somethin from me, what do i look like honey a tree that grows money get yo own ho; dont make me pull out my nine and cause your body to flatline; Cause I'm on my grind like all the time

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Carpe Diem

I feel pretty accomplished right now as I have done quite a bit in the past few days.
1) I knocked out two tests on Friday which I am pretty sure I got A's on both of them
2.) Bought all the Supplies needed for I-Week and talked to and finalized the plans for all that is to be done where and with whom.
3.) hanged a flat tire on my car and fixed my cars stereo.
4.) Put into motion plans for me and the boys to go to Bonnaroo
5.) wrote on this thing everyday since i created
6.) I discovered that Jeff B. is probably the handiest person I have ever met and also one of the coolest.
7.) This week is gonna be the busiest of my life I-week and my last full week of wrestling practice. Its been a long career and I can honestly say that I am excited but also kinda uneasy about not having that consistency in my life anymore.
8) Cute is What We Aim for tonight we'll see how it is. I hope it doesn't suck too badly.

I wrote something else which I dont have the time to post right now but will in the next couple of days.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Do you think about me now and then?

Second post on here thought I would add a picture to lively it up a bit. My sister took this picture with her Camera Phone. Pretty good for a phone. I really miss home and all my friends. There's something about big cities especially my city that just makes me feel like my complete self. You meet new people everyday and no one really seems to care what your dressed like or even what your doing. Its nice cause you be a different person everyday if you want to and no one would be any the wiser to it. This can also have and adverse effect. I think that Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best when he said: Cities force growth and make people talkative and entertaining, but they also make them artificial.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cut and Run

Brand new to this Whole blog thing. Thought I would try it out as I have been quite creative as of late and looking for an outlet to give to my creative juices. I have been drawing which is surely not good enough yet to post on here maybe some pictures in the near future and also writing which I'm not so sure is up to snuff but will post anyways. I wrote this last night at about 3 in morning while taking a break from the PsychoPharmacology and Psych research books.

Its over now can't go back and change the mistakes;
All this work and nothing to show for it;
Just a broken heart and a bill to the state;
It won't get better, things will stay the same

Sick of this feeling;
All they say is ill be just fine;
When all I wanna do is break away and run;
Life's no good when your lookin down the barrel of a gun

So let's go just take of and run;
The world is wide the possibilities endless;
With nothin but time and imaginations to send us;
to places and experiences that will for certain change us